Sunday, December 24, 2017

December Round-up

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Bad Bad Birds

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Birds on the Mast

These are bad, bad birds. They like to land on our mast.

Bird Poo
This is what they leave on our water-caching awning. It is not what you want in your water tank.

Birds on a wire

Before they came to the marina, they come to the wires over the parking lot. Then they fly out to our boat.

We know how to get rid of them. Watch this. (OK, The video is not easy to see, but to get rid of the birds you smack the rig and they fly away.)


They fly away. Do that about three times a day and in a few days they learn not to land on our boat.

Fiji Water

But anyhow, maybe we'll get our water from a bottle.

San Blas Haul-out

wingssail images-fredrick roswold
Jimmy and Robin join us on the beach

Jimmy and Robin, from Orcas Island, came to visit and help with the haulout. First we sailed to San Blas but we forgot to take any photos of the great sailing.

Weds Morning, the boat comes out

Boat work

San Blas

House in centro, San Blas

Billy Bob's San Blas Honkeytonk

We head off to explore the fort

Pretty old

Jimmy studies the golden head

Who was this guy?

wingssail image-james roserFred shoots the canon-frolicking girls

They take aim

The old church, from 1773

Old Church


Look at this masonry

Back at the boat, nice paint

Is this keel out of alignment?

Job Done

Monster Spars

wingssail images-fredrick roswold
We built these two spar buoys

These buoys are meant to be race marks, they will be anchored out in the bay.

They don't look like much here but in reality they are quite big. 12.5 feet from top to bottom (not including the flag pole, which is three more feet), they have 61 kilos of concrete in the bottom, and the top is filled with foam.

We call them, "Monster Spars".

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