Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Close Enough

Close Enough
wingssail-Fredrick Roswold

I figured that as soon the guy on the left turns my way and sees me, he's going to raise that gun and point it right at me. Time to go.

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wingssail-Fredrick Roswold

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wingssail-Fredrick Roswold

I figured out that in Thailand the yellow ribbons mean they support the King. This tank is blocking a road to his palace.

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Photo Opp

Photo Opp
wingssail-Fredrick Roswold

I saw about 10 families come up and pose thier kids in front of the tanks so Mom could take a snapshot. Tiananmen Square is isn't.

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Tank Barracade

Tank Barracade
wingssail-Fredrick Roswold

I was thinking traffic was a little light, then I came around a corner and found this. Notice that the street vendors are starting to arrive?

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Starting Over

Starting over with a new crew
wingssail-Judy Jensen
Wings' new crew starts to figure out their positions. From left to right: Fred, Marco: trimming kite (see how nice it looks?), Kim: ace grinder and jib trimmer, in the cool shades, Euan: Forward hand and future AC star, Winnie: Bow trainer, Ana: Halyards master, Tessa: Everything in the middle of the boat, just minding spinnaker winch in this shot, Adeline: Runners, and human main preventer, Tye: Maintrimmer, and tactician. Not shown, Judy: Camera holder, squall watcher, and chase down every screw up problem so we can WIN co-captain!

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