About Me
- Name: wingssail
- Location: Seattle, Washington, United States
I am a sailor, born of a nautical tradition passed to me by my father and my Grandfather Alfred. I’ve spent most of life on my passion which is the sea and the vessels which go upon them. I have had many such vessels and now I live on and sail on the sloop WINGS. which I acquired in 1986 with my wife Judy who shared my passion. For ten years we lived on Wings in Seattle and sailed, including racing. Then we left the Pacific Northwest and voyaged across the world, across the seven seas, to faraway places, and made them our own. For thirty-eight years I have lived and loved this life. I still live on Wings, in Mexico, and sail and race often. Judy passed away in June, 2023 and I miss her but you can still join us and sail the seas as we did for all those glorious years. Fred Roswold, SV Wings, Mexico
Images Country Index
- Africa
- Antigua
- Aruba
- Australia
- Bequia
- Bonaire
- Borneo
- Brazil
- Brunei
- Cambodia
- China
- Colombia
- Colorado
- Costa Rica
- Curacao
- Dominica
- Fiji
- Grenada
- Hong Kong
- Indoneaia
- Indonesia
- Macau
- Malaysia
- Martinique
- Matinique
- Mauritius
- Maylaysia
- Mexico
- Myanmar
- Namibia
- New Caledonia
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Palau
- Panama
- Papua New Guinea
- Philippines
- Polynesia
- Reunion
- Saint Helena
- Samoa
- Singapore
- Solomon Islands
- St Lucia
- St Vincent and The Grenadines
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- Thailand Hua Hin Khao Wang
- Tonga
- Trinidad
- Vanuatu
- Zanzibar
Previous Posts
- Map of Wings' Voyages, Updated 2007
- Great Irish Beer
- Tacking the #3
- Girl on a Ferry
- Erawan
- Statue
- Inside the Elephant
- Draw This!
- First Look at the New Sails
- On the Wind
Images `Complete Index
- ABC's
- Acapulco
- Accept The Challenge
- Adena
- Africa
- Agua Verde
- aircraft
- Alarife
- Alert
- Allison
- Alor Setar
- Altata
- America's Cup
- Ana
- Anasazi Girl
- Anastasiia
- Anaszi Girl
- Anchor
- Angie
- Angkor Wat
- Angustura. Pan
- Animals
- Ann Marie
- Antelope
- Antigua
- Aqua Verde
- Aquarios
- Argovia
- Arizona
- Art
- Aruba
- Asenvari
- Asia
- AT6 Texan
- Atlantic Ocean
- Australia
- Avitar
- avon
- Ayutthaya
- B and G
- Baboon
- Bahia Coyote
- Bahia de Ohuira
- Baja
- Balai Besar
- Ballena Bay
- Banderas Bay
- Banderas Bay Regatta
- Bangkok
- BangTao
- Barra de Navidad
- Baru
- Beach
- Bequia
- Birds
- Birds of Eden
- Black River
- Bleriot
- Bloemfontein
- boat design
- Boat Lagoon Marina
- Boat Work
- Boca Chica
- Boca de Tomatlan
- Bonaire
- Booby
- Bora Bora
- Borneo
- Botanical Garden
- Bottom Job
- Bottom Painting
- Brazil
- Brunei
- Bundaberg
- buoys
- Burros
- Bush Pig
- C
- Calendar
- California
- Cambodia
- Candace
- Cape Agulhas
- Cape Buffalo
- Cape Minstrel's Parade
- Cape of Good Hope
- Cape St Blaise
- Cape Town
- Car
- Cargados Carajos Shoals
- Caribbean
- Caribbean 600
- Cartagena
- Casa Mexicana
- Castillo San Felipe
- Cerro La Popa
- Chacala
- Chaguarmas
- Chaguramas
- Charlotteville
- Charts
- Chatham Bay
- Cheetah
- Chemala
- Chiang mai
- Chiapas
- Chief Nelson
- China
- China Sail Factory
- Cholon
- Christmas
- classic yachts
- Cleofas
- Clifton
- Club Nautico
- Colombia
- Colon
- Colorado
- Conception
- Condor of Bermuda
- Coral Cove
- Corinto
- Costa Rica
- Coup
- Crew
- Crocodiles
- Curacao
- Dancers
- Dar Es Salaam
- Darien
- Datai Bay
- Day of the Dead.
- Derek
- Dia de Muertos
- Doi Sutep
- Dominica
- Dominica. Portsmouth
- Dona Marie
- Dophins
- Dos Lencois
- doug peterson
- driving
- Durban
- Dyneema
- El Nido
- El Valle
- Elephants
- Ellen
- Emily
- EnergydrinkHD
- English Harbor
- Ensenada Carrizal
- Falmouth Harbor
- family
- Fareast Sails
- Fernando de Naronha
- Fidalgo
- Fiji
- Finca La Victoria
- Firefly
- Fish River Canyon
- florida
- flowers
- Fort De France
- Fortaleza
- Fortaleza Yacht Club
- Fox
- Frangipangi Girl
- Fred & Judy
- Fred
- Fred and Judy
- Fred and Judy Serendipity 43
- Friend
- Friends
- Garden Route
- Gecko
- Gene Mim-Mack
- Geoff & Omar
- geoff
- George
- Gerry & Douglas
- Giraffe
- Gizo
- Glasspar Superlite
- Golfito
- Gouyave
- Gouyve
- Grand Bay
- Grand Bay Yacht Club
- Grand Canyon
- Grand Port
- graphics
- Green Island
- Grenada
- Guadalajara
- Guitar Player
- Gulai House
- Gulfo Morrosquillo
- Haere Maru
- Halloween
- Harrier
- Haulout
- Hawker Hurricane
- Hippopotamus
- Hluhluwe-iMfolozi
- Hog Island
- Hong Kong
- Honu
- Hotel Hacienda Flamingos
- Hout Bay
- Howard Brown
- Huahini
- Huatalco
- Hurricane
- Hydraulics
- Hyena
- Ile de La Passe
- Impalla
- Indian Ocean
- Indian River
- Indigo Pearl
- Indoneaia
- Indonesia
- Iowa
- Iracema Beach
- Isla San Francisco
- Isla Santa Maria
- Jackel
- Jackie
- Jacque & Edith
- Jaguar Cars
- Jamestown
- Jan Brown
- JB
- Jean-Mee
- jennie
- Jessie
- Jim Slosson
- Jimmy and Robin
- John & Elinor
- Jolly Harbor
- Judy
- Judy D Jensen
- Julian Mustoe
- junks
- Katrina Liana
- Kavieng
- kedah
- Kenny
- Khao Sok
- Kholle House
- Kings Cup
- Kite Boarding
- Kite Surfing
- Knysna
- Ko Muk
- Kota Kinabalu
- Kruger National Park
- Kudat
- Kudu
- Kuna
- Kura Hulanda
- La Brea
- La Conner
- La Crux Huancaxtle
- La Cruz
- La Laguna Azul
- La Manzanilla
- La Paz
- Labuan
- Lanakal
- Langkawi
- Lanta
- Las Hadas
- Le Marin
- Led Zeppelin
- lightning
- Lilly Bolero
- Lima
- Lions
- Los Arcos
- Los Gatos
- Los Lanitros
- Louisiades
- Lousiana
- Loyalties
- Luis Corriea
- Macau
- Mahebourg
- Mainsail
- Malaysia
- Malecon
- Malolo Lai Lai
- Malteze Falcon
- Maluhea
- Man of War Bay
- Manglar Nature Reserve
- Manuel Antonio
- Manzanillo
- Manzanillo Marina Club
- Maranhao
- Marco Tessa
- Marias Islands
- Marina
- Marina Aven
- Marina Chiapas
- Marina Park
- Marina Riviera Nayarit
- Market
- Marquesas
- Martec
- Martinique
- Matanchen Bay
- Matinique
- Mauritius
- Max
- Maylaysia
- Mazatlan
- Melaque
- Mentawai
- Mercado Burzuto
- Mercedes Benz
- Mexico
- Mexico City
- mexorc
- Mike Danielson
- Milford Sound
- Military
- Minca
- Mirs Bay
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Monkeys
- Monterrey
- Mooloolaba
- Moon
- Moorea
- Mossel Bay
- Motorcycles
- Mount Hartman Bay
- Mt Irvine
- Mt Pele
- Mt Si
- Murals
- Music
- Musket Cove
- Myanmar
- Nakamal
- Namib Desert
- Namibia
- Natcho Postigo
- National Beauty Contest
- nature
- Nayarit
- Nebraska
- Nelson's Dockyard
- Nepalese
- New Caledonia
- New Orleans
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Noason
- Noason Crowd
- North Bend
- Noumea
- Nuevo Vallarta
- Nutmeg
- Nyala
- Oaxacca
- Olas Lindas. Banderas Bay
- Old Dhow Harbor
- Old Dispensary
- Oliver
- Olser Marie
- omar
- Opencpn
- Oregon
- Orion
- Osler Marie
- P-40 Warhawk
- P51 Mustang
- Pablo Bennett
- Pacific Arts Festival
- Pacific Coast
- Pago Pago
- Palau
- Palawan
- Panama
- Panama Canal
- Panama City
- pangas
- Panthalassa
- Paointing
- Papeete
- Papua New Guinea
- Paradisio
- Patricia
- Paul Sungalle
- Pedang
- penang
- Peregrine
- Pescara Santa Clara
- Petite Anse Hotel
- Petrosaudi Discoverer
- Phang Nga Bay
- Philippines
- Phuket
- Pierre
- Pigeon Island
- pirates cove
- Pitch Lake
- Plaza Trinidad
- Poas Volcano
- Pollen Path
- Polykarpov I-153
- Polykarpov I-16
- Polynesia
- Port Elizabeth
- Port Louis
- Port of Spain
- Portsmouth
- Problem
- Protests
- Pta Mita
- Puerto Azul
- Puerto Bonito Emerald Bay
- Puerto Escondido
- Puerto Vallarta
- Puesta Del Sol
- Punta Copas
- Punta Mita
- Punta San Bernardo
- Puntarenas
- Putra Medical Center
- Race
- Racing
- Rage
- Rambi Island
- Randy and Laura
- rat
- Rebak
- Red Arrows
- Renaissance
- Renaissance Marina
- Reunion
- Rhinoceros
- Richards Bay
- rig
- River Amica Dam
- Rivers Rum
- Robbie Springs
- Rock Chinga
- Rodadera
- Rodney Bay
- Rosarios
- Roselyn
- Roti
- Rudder Bearing
- Russians
- Sabah
- Sail
- Sail Bags
- Sailing
- Sails
- Saint Helena
- Sam
- Samoa
- Samsung F480
- San Blas
- San Blas Islands
- San Cristobal Volcano
- San Diego
- San Jose
- San Juan Del Sur
- San Pancho San Francisco
- San Sebastian
- Sand Dunes
- Sand Groper
- Sandy and Lloyd Banta
- Santa Kruz Baai
- Santa Marta
- Santa Rosalia
- Santana 28
- Santo Domingo
- Sao Luis
- Sapzurro
- Sarawak
- Savu Savu
- Sayulita
- Scotland Bay
- Sea Lions
- Sea of Cortez
- Seals
- Seattle
- Serendipity 43
- Sewing
- Shelter Bay
- Sherry
- Shilshole Marina
- ship
- Shirley Heights
- Simonstown
- Singapore
- Sloths
- Snorkeling
- Soccer
- Sojana
- Solomon Islands
- Song Of The Siren
- South America
- South Island
- Spanish Waters
- Speedboats
- Spinnaker
- Spirit of Chemainus
- Spitfire
- Sports
- St Brandon's
- St John
- St Lucia
- St Pierre
- St Vincent and The Grenadines
- Stanley
- Steel Drum
- Steel Pan Band
- Steinbeck Canyon
- Steve
- Stone Town
- Store Bay
- stormvogel
- Straits of Malacca
- Struisbaai
- Sturgis
- Sumatra
- Summer Sailstice
- Summit
- Suncadia
- Sunday Market
- surf
- Surfer
- Surfing
- Suva
- Swan 53
- Sydney
- Table Mountain
- Table Mountian
- Tahaa
- Tahiti
- Tambor
- tanjun ruh
- Tanna
- Tanzania
- Tapachula
- Taratao
- Tau Pajet
- T-Balls
- Teanaway
- Tehuantepec
- Telaga
- Temples
- Tenacatita
- Tenecatita
- Tessa
- Texas
- Thailand
- Thailand Hua Hin Khao Wang
- The Corral
- Ticos
- Tobago
- Tonga
- Toplobampo
- Trinidad
- Tuomotus
- turtles
- Tuxtla Gutierrez
- Twelve Apostles
- Ulu
- Unfurled
- Union Island
- Union Juarez. Tuxtla Chico
- Vallarta Cup
- Vanua Levu
- Vanuatu
- Venus LLoyd
- Vern Ruskin
- Vertigo
- Viti Levu
- Volkswagens
- Walvis Bay
- Wanaka
- Warbirds over Wanaka
- Warrior
- Warthog
- Washington
- Water Tanks
- Waterbuck
- Weather
- Wedding
- Western Cape
- Whale
- Whales
- Whisper Cove Marina
- Wildebeast
- wildlife
- Willemstad
- Willemstadt
- winches
- Wind Generator
- Wine Country
- Wings
- Wings sailing
- workout
- Wreck
- Yacht Haven
- Yachts
- Yak
- Yelapa
- Yole
- Zahir Mosque
- Zanzibar
- Zebra
- Zihuatenejo
- zodiac
- Zululand
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